About Me

Well, this is most likely the most difficult article that I’ll write and post. How can I adequately describe myself to you when there is so much of me still open to discovery? But for the sake of enlightening you at least a bit, here’s a few basics about this blogger:

I’m a happily-married lady. The happily has not always been such, but my husband and I have chosen to grow more in love through many trials and LOTS of God’s grace. The lady part of this statement may forever remain open to debate.

I’m a mom to five amazing kids to whom I was blessed to give birth. My extended role as “mama to missionaries” is one in which I find great joy and humility. For reasons of His own, God has seen fit to graft a few more precious sons into my life who serve Him across the globe. Each of these young men has been “birthed” into my life through circumstances no less miraculous than the natural birthing process, and all of them are loved beyond measure!

After five kids and twenty-one years of service, I can finally say that I am a retired homeschooling mom. I gladly turned in my resignation with a sign of relief (and a happy dance of exuberant celebration).

In my spare time, I’m a volunteer editor and writer for Advancing Native Missions, a missions organization partnering with indigenous ministries around the world. I co-authored a missions curriculum for them a few years ago and have written several blog posts featuring the infamous Addison Venture – world FAMOUS explorer and voice of native missions. If you’re looking for a fun way to introduce young children to the love of God and the world of missions, you can check it out here: http://advancingnativemissions.com/addison-entry-1/

I am a lover of words. Words that are well-crafted and open-ended inspire me. They draw me like a soothing melody, inviting me to look into my own heart and grow in new ways. I find the Word of God fascinating. The Master Wordsmith captures the essence of who I am, yet continues to breathe fresh insight into my existence. He revitalizes my dreams and turns my heart toward His own, causing me to be awestruck with wonder time and again.

Above all, I’m a daughter of the King. Some days, you may notice the family resemblance more than others. This has nothing to do with any flaws of my Father’s features but is entirely my own shortcomings in living up to His image. Thankfully, there is grace. A grace  I do not deserve, but one in which I live every moment of my life, nonetheless. For that, I am eternally grateful. And speaking of grateful, this word is becoming more and more precious to me with each passing day. I hope it shows through my posts.

If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can contact me @ jonbarbsnyder7@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you!

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