A Willing Heart


ready, eager, or prepared to do something.
2. Done, given, accepted, or borne voluntarily or ungrudgingly.
3. Disposed or inclined; prepared
4. Acting or ready to act gladly; eagerly compliant

Am I willing to eat spinach?

Thus reads the handwritten note in the margin of my Bible in reference to Isaiah 1:19: “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land…”

My own words were penned there years ago as I pondered to what exactly the “good of the land” was referring. As much as I’d like to think it was a dessert buffet which God was offering, chances are this particular “goodness” did not include cheesecake and ice cream. When faced with unmet expectations, it’s amazing how quickly all pretense of a willing heart runs helter-skelter pulling obedience after it.

The truth is, what’s really good for me may not be to my liking, especially when it postpones its arrival until after the painful hurt or exhausting trials have stretched my weary heart. Often, the truly good looks a lot like convincing a child to eat her vegetables when a slice of chocolate cake is staring her in the face. And the battle of wills ensues.

How often my heart is like that young child. Crying and wailing my way through a meal, refusing to take a bite of the nutritional while grasping for that which has no value. Unwilling to try what looks so unappealing. Determined to snack on the unhealthy while neglecting the very thing that is meant to build up my strength.

Willing and obedient are tough adjectives, indeed, but I so want them to modify my heart. To turn my desires to that which is beneficial as I voluntarily follow the ways of God and thereby find the true goodness that He offers.

Even when He asks me to eat spinach.


This post on Willing was written in conjunction with Five-Minute- Friday. You can join us at http://www.lisajobaker.com/five-minute-friday.

3 thoughts on “A Willing Heart

  1. Visiting from FMF and saying a big thank you for stopping by my blog today! I really enjoyed these lines:
    “When faced with unmet expectations, it’s amazing how quickly all pretense of a willing heart runs helter-skelter pulling obedience after it.

    The truth is, what’s really good for me may not be to my liking, especially when it postpones its arrival until after the painful hurt or exhausting trials have stretched my weary heart.”

    So true! My heart does stumble when my expectations aren’t met. But I find I learn the most in those moments. Learning to trust Him in faith. Learning to find his treasures in the dark places.
    Thank you for sharing!

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