We’re Not Home Yet

With all the current falling away from Truth, it is wise to remember that the ways of a fallen world do not determine our destinies. We are under the authority of a loving, eternal God who does not flinch or waver from who He is. No kingdoms rise or fall without His notice. No mandates of governments slip through unaware.

In the grip of a world at war with itself, we would do well to see the battle as more than a tug-of-war for “rights.” It is a conflict for the souls of men, a battle between good and evil. The same armies are still at odds, generation after generation. And while the struggle seems long and fierce, in light of eternity, it is as brief as the crash of an ocean wave upon the shore’s edge.

One splash, and it is over.

Do not be surprised when the tide turns against truth and morality. Do not be dismayed when the waves of persecution begin to whirl across the sands of your world. It is to be expected, after all. You can check your Bible if you have any doubts. God’s truth has always come head to head against Satan’s lies. And while it is frustrating to see and hear of abuses against followers of Christ, it actually makes sense when seen through the eyes of good and evil. Why would Satan war against other belief systems that turn hearts from Jesus? He has no need to mislead those who are already being misled. But to oppose truth and righteousness, that is where the battle has and always will be.

To war against the justice and mercy of an unrelenting Savior is Satan’s only hope to twist the fate of men and warp their God-breathed destinies.

In keeping with the thoughts of C.S. Lewis, it is wise to remember that we are  “born into a world of death, violence, wounds, adventure, heroism and cowardice, good and evil.” Instead of reeling in surprise from this fact, we would do well to prepare for it. To arm ourselves and our children for this battle of light versus darkness and to rise in courage in the midst of it.

“Since it is so likely that they will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.”

We cannot escape the conflict, nor can we shelter our children from the brunt of humanity turning away from morality, but we can rise in heroic bravery and love against it. Instead of following the crowd, we can follow hard after the One who has walked in this fallen place and overcome it victoriously. We can look to the King who has promised that all things will be set right in the end, even when the “now” seems so very dark and hopeless.

Fear not the rise of evil, beloved, but fear the Victor of the war and walk in righteousness. Redeem the times — your time — with truth and love. Act justly; love mercy; walk humbly with your God. And above all, rejoice that this world is not our home. We are just here for a moment. So make the most of your moment, and occupy until He comes.
